Thursday, March 06, 2014

The Rueda Academy - The Key Concepts

At the Academy, we believe rueda:

  • has a framework based on the Cuban son
  • has a basic timing which is atiempo
  • has the performance musculature of rumba
  • is home to cultural accents, like those derived from dances dedicated to the Orishas
  • is a synchronous coordinated ensemble activity
  • has tremendous freedom for creative self-expression
  • should involve on-lookers equally

We achieve this by addressing ideas and dance skills at three scales:

1. The individual scale – “your voice in the story”
We ensure that you bring your best rhythms to the party
We free you to express your joy compellingly
We help you exude confidence
We help you become a cultural insider

2. The rueda couple scale – “expressions in conversation”
You’ll appreciate the rueda couple as the ‘wheel within the wheel’ providing the internal dynamic of the larger wheel
We help you feel and understand the circular energy of rueda at the couple level
You’ll learn how to leave room in your dancing to let your partner ‘speak’
We help you listen to what your partner has to say
You’ll understand the purpose of a move and the meaning of a call

3. The Rueda de Casino scale – “an epic tale”
We’ll play with the building-blocks of rueda de casino
We’ll delve the properties of a mass-coordinated activity
What is good quality?
We build resilience: ‘When things do go wrong, how do we cope with it? How can we enjoy it?’
You’ll learn how to keep the rueda open to invite the participation of on-lookers

Eşref Ulaş
Loo Yeo


  1. Well, very good post with informative information. I really appreciate the fact that you approach these topics from a stand point of knowledge and information.

  2. I like the work you're doing guys, not a lot of people have it structured like that!
