Monday, June 19, 2006

An Embarrasment of Riches

No, I haven't forgotten about blogging, but living the salsa life-style is keeping me busier than I could have imagined.

The biggest relief and satisfaction is delivering the two chapters on the Puerto Ricans in salsa after a several year wait. I'm still anticipating the delivery of materials for the ear-training tutorials; a matter that is not quite in my hands.

But the things that are, such as the tutorials on body movements, a short history of the plena, and the chapter on Colombian salsa, are being attended to. Given the business-related things I've got looming, I'm afraid all bets are off regarding timelines.

The smart person would get a clone grown to help out.

Inconveniently, the local clone-shoppe has just upped its prices to exorbitant levels due to rising energy costs.


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